Thanks to


Verified Member
Feb 17, 2009
New Orleans
I would like to thank Steve for an outstanding event for us and and thank you to California Billiards for hosting this event. The food was great and the support staff is outstanding.

WOW, what an event. I can honestly say everyone that participated in this event is very special in their own way. I enjoyed seeing my old roommate Dave Gross, Frank Da Barber, Robert, and everyone else. The new guys are also great, Mitch, Howard, Nick P, and look out for the new young gun Chris that I gambled with. Not only does he shoot super straight, but he’s a super nice guy. My wife also enjoyed meeting the great gang of nice guys that make tournaments a special event not to be missed.

I don’t know if anyone else had this problem but I had a severe case of nerves. My legs and arms were shaking. I was battling myself all the way through. My wife was there to help me and a few words of encouragement from others helped out. Maybe we need a few other tournaments during the year so we can get our tournament legs:). Almost every match went hill-hill added to the the excitement.

I would like to apologize to Jerry. I don’t remember what time we started the last game but I was so tired and not thinking straight, I started the last game and Jerry was still in the restroom. The other thing that came up was laying down the cue to line up a shot. I remember that being a foul for almost as long as I’ve been playing pool. I was not about to call a foul on that but brought it up after the fact to get a ruling on that in the future.

That was one great pool room. Thanks again to everyone.


Verified Member
Mar 14, 2005
Fort Collins, CO
I would like to thank Steve for an outstanding event for us and and thank you to California Billiards for hosting this event. The food was great and the support staff is outstanding.

WOW, what an event. I can honestly say everyone that participated in this event is very special in their own way. I enjoyed seeing my old roommate Dave Gross, Frank Da Barber, Robert, and everyone else. The new guys are also great, Mitch, Howard, Nick P, and look out for the new young gun Chris that I gambled with. Not only does he shoot super straight, but he’s a super nice guy. My wife also enjoyed meeting the great gang of nice guys that make tournaments a special event not to be missed.

I don’t know if anyone else had this problem but I had a severe case of nerves. My legs and arms were shaking. I was battling myself all the way through. My wife was there to help me and a few words of encouragement from others helped out. Maybe we need a few other tournaments during the year so we can get our tournament legs:). Almost every match went hill-hill added to the the excitement.

I would like to apologize to Jerry. I don’t remember what time we started the last game but I was so tired and not thinking straight, I started the last game and Jerry was still in the restroom. The other thing that came up was laying down the cue to line up a shot. I remember that being a foul for almost as long as I’ve been playing pool. I was not about to call a foul on that but brought it up after the fact to get a ruling on that in the future.

That was one great pool room. Thanks again to everyone.

You played great, roomie. Conratulations on a great win. Until next time...

Enjoy the rest of your travels - be safe.


Verified Member
Jun 25, 2004
Gulfport, Mississippi
The other thing that came up was laying down the cue to line up a shot. I remember that being a foul for almost as long as I’ve been playing pool. I was not about to call a foul on that but brought it up after the fact to get a ruling on that in the future.
That's correct Jim. I noticed a couple of players doing that, but assumed that the rule was not being enforced. Here's the WPA rule:

6.12 Cue Stick on the Table

If the shooter uses his cue stick in order to align a shot by placing it on the table without having a hand on the stick, it is a foul.

I know that the rule is in effect at the DCC. Shannon Daulton used to lay his stick on the table while sighting a shot once in awhile. I thought if I ever had the misfortune of drawing him, that I might be able to use that rule against him-- since I'd have no chance to beat him anyway...:D



Verified Member
Oct 7, 2008
Great job to all involved in making it happen! Organizers, pool room ownership, staff, and members. You all worked together to make another enjoyable event and again cast a shining light on!!!


Verified Member
Feb 8, 2011
Eagles Rest, Wa
So if you lay your stick on the table, but keep your hand on it, that would be ok? We played the first round Jim and you gave me plenty of opportunities to win. My shooting was not the best that day but I had a lot of fun seeing everyone. As usual, I missed the finals because I need my beauty rest. I hope everyone who was there had as much fun as I did and I got to play on my old home court as a bonus.


Verified Member
Nov 23, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
I wish I could have been there! Great job again Jim and Jerry and all the other finalists and players!

PS - I never knew about that rule...good to know!

NH Steve

Apr 25, 2004
New Hampshire
So if you lay your stick on the table, but keep your hand on it, that would be ok? We played the first round Jim and you gave me plenty of opportunities to win. My shooting was not the best that day but I had a lot of fun seeing everyone. As usual, I missed the finals because I need my beauty rest. I hope everyone who was there had as much fun as I did and I got to play on my old home court as a bonus.

Yes, Bill, as long as you keep your hand on the stick it is ok. I think that rule is kind of like the very old rule of "no marking of the table" -- which also includes placing a chalk at a spot on the rail you want to contact -- that would be a foul too.

It is not part of our One Pocket rules, but it is part of the wpa general rules, which we reference right at the top of our rules. I mean it would be totally unnecessary and redundant for our One Pocket rules to try to cover all the usual general rule issues -- that's why we reference the wpa. So we would need to specifically waive that rule if we wanted to -- or just informally let your opponent do it in your own match if you wanted to, for friendlies sake. But the rule is right there in black and white in the wpa general rules.


Verified Member
Feb 8, 2011
Eagles Rest, Wa
Yes, Bill, as long as you keep your hand on the stick it is ok. I think that rule is kind of like the very old rule of "no marking of the table" -- which also includes placing a chalk at a spot on the rail you want to contact -- that would be a foul too.

It is not part of our One Pocket rules, but it is part of the wpa general rules, which we reference right at the top of our rules. I mean it would be totally unnecessary and redundant for our One Pocket rules to try to cover all the usual general rule issues -- that's why we reference the wpa. So we would need to specifically waive that rule if we wanted to -- or just informally let your opponent do it in your own match if you wanted to, for friendlies sake. But the rule is right there in black and white in the wpa general rules.

I know of another rule that was brought up recently and that was catching a ball in the pocket with your hand. I caught myself starting to do it in one of my matches. Marking the table, laying sticks, catching the balls is something we should all be aware of if we want a purist type of organization. But that’s just me. Thanks for the info. Did you have fun or what? Where’s the photos?


Verified Member
Nov 23, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
I know of another rule that was brought up recently and that was catching a ball in the pocket with your hand. I caught myself starting to do it in one of my matches. Marking the table, laying sticks, catching the balls is something we should all be aware of if we want a purist type of organization. But that’s just me. Thanks for the info. Did you have fun or what? Where’s the photos?

Looking forward to those as well! :)


Verified Member
Aug 16, 2016
Canyonville Oregon
Thanks Steve and Chris for a great place to have a fun and challenging OnePocket tournament.
This was my first .org tournament and being a newbie I have little to complain about. Fact is I had a great time and for someone that goes to bed early and early rise on a daily bases I found myself up late every night, 1 or 2 am. It was not because I was playing well and winning money, instead I lost my ass in everything I did, but had a great time.
John took the time to teach me how to play golf and Billy must of seen all the fun I was having and had to get some. I played pool 11 to 12 hours straight each day and did not want to stop. The tournament seems to be for members that come to participate, how it plays out for members to view on stream, well secondary. Several members like Nick, John, Kevin, Chris, Billy, Frank, Walt and many I can’t remember thier names give me good advice and great encouragement when I would make a descent shot or gin a two railer or bank on the 6x12 snooker table. This tournament renewed life in pool that has been lost for some time. I witnessed your truly a brotherhood, an unselfish bunch of guys All pitching in to make this happen. You have my vote...... knuckles

Bob Farr

New Member
Jul 23, 2015
Speaking of rules....

Speaking of rules....

I didn't notice in this tournament but at the Buffalo's One Pocket event last week the guys were laying on the table, up on the table on both knees. Was that just special for that event or has the rule changed about having one foot on the floor? I was shocked! If I kneeled up on the table with my metal knees, it would break the slate. lol


Verified Member
Dec 15, 2005
That's correct Jim. I noticed a couple of players doing that, but assumed that the rule was not being enforced. Here's the WPA rule:

6.12 Cue Stick on the Table

If the shooter uses his cue stick in order to align a shot by placing it on the table without having a hand on the stick, it is a foul.

I know that the rule is in effect at the DCC. Shannon Daulton used to lay his stick on the table while sighting a shot once in awhile. I thought if I ever had the misfortune of drawing him, that I might be able to use that rule against him-- since I'd have no chance to beat him anyway...:D


Lets not get carried away on the rule making and enforcement. Pool lawyers drive me crazy trying to win on a technicality.


Verified Member
Feb 17, 2009
New Orleans
Lets not get carried away on the rule making and enforcement. Pool lawyers drive me crazy trying to win on a technicality.

It’s not even close trying to win on a technicality. Why have rules like move two balls is a foul or any other fouls. I read on AZBILLIARDS where JJ called a foul on a guy marking the rail with a piece of chalk to mark his bank spot. Isn’t that a foul.

I can’t hardly believe all the books people have read in their life yet must have never read a rule book:frus

baby huey

Verified Member
Oct 29, 2008
What a tournament. I had so much fun seeing everyone on our site. Chris Swart for offering up his room and added monies, Steve Booth for staging, Daniel Busch for streaming and all the members behind the scenes helping put the event together can not be overlooked. Jim (Pilot) played the best of anyone and deserved his win. A break here or there could have seen different players being on top at the end but that's the nature of our game. You have to get a few roles and play well to be there at the end. I felt that about at least fifteen of our players could have won the event. That's how close the skill levels were. One point of interest is how my final match with the pilot played out. First off the hot seat winner was awarded the first break in our race to three. I think that was a very good rule. The hot seat should be awarded that advantage for playing well through the event. In my mind there was no controversy about laying the cue on the table which I did do it in pattering out some of my shots. I was reminded about it and that's that. Frankly I am disappointed in myself for not knowing that rule. There has been quite a lot said about shot clocks and so forth. We have beaten that to death over the years both on our site and other sites. I say play to the rules of the event and if those rules conflict with your opinions, don't play. The recent event at Buffalo's allowed players to climb on the tables. OK those were the rules. Sorry for my digression. I played seventeen hours on the last day and loved every minute of it. My wife tells me to lose weight so I'll have better stamina. Why would I do that? Lastly, Pilot get your good playing behind back to Ventura cause I want a rematch. Good shooting Jim.


Verified Member
Mar 14, 2005
Fort Collins, CO
I didn't notice in this tournament but at the Buffalo's One Pocket event last week the guys were laying on the table, up on the table on both knees. Was that just special for that event or has the rule changed about having one foot on the floor? I was shocked! If I kneeled up on the table with my metal knees, it would break the slate. lol

That is a local rule used at Buffalo's so they continued to allow it during the tournament. Those that gamble at that room regularly like Danny, know that special rule so he asked if they are aloowing to climb on the table. It is not a legal shot unless specifically allowed.

Bob Farr

New Member
Jul 23, 2015
That is a local rule used at Buffalo's so they continued to allow it during the tournament. Those that gamble at that room regularly like Danny, know that special rule so he asked if they are aloowing to climb on the table. It is not a legal shot unless specifically allowed.
Thanks for the answer. It was strange to see that.


Verified Member
Feb 2, 2017
Cape Girardeau MO
amazing display!

amazing display!

What a tournament. I had so much fun seeing everyone on our site. Chris Swart for offering up his room and added monies, Steve Booth for staging, Daniel Busch for streaming and all the members behind the scenes helping put the event together can not be overlooked. Jim (Pilot) played the best of anyone and deserved his win. A break here or there could have seen different players being on top at the end but that's the nature of our game. You have to get a few roles and play well to be there at the end. I felt that about at least fifteen of our players could have won the event. That's how close the skill levels were. One point of interest is how my final match with the pilot played out. First off the hot seat winner was awarded the first break in our race to three. I think that was a very good rule. The hot seat should be awarded that advantage for playing well through the event. In my mind there was no controversy about laying the cue on the table which I did do it in pattering out some of my shots. I was reminded about it and that's that. Frankly I am disappointed in myself for not knowing that rule. There has been quite a lot said about shot clocks and so forth. We have beaten that to death over the years both on our site and other sites. I say play to the rules of the event and if those rules conflict with your opinions, don't play. The recent event at Buffalo's allowed players to climb on the tables. OK those were the rules. Sorry for my digression. I played seventeen hours on the last day and loved every minute of it. My wife tells me to lose weight so I'll have better stamina. Why would I do that? Lastly, Pilot get your good playing behind back to Ventura cause I want a rematch. Good shooting Jim.

TAP TAP TAP - Jerry - it was amazing the stamina you displayed Sunday. I watched all day - went to bed - got up - watched again. I'd love to know your secret brother!



Verified Member
Feb 17, 2009
New Orleans
What a tournament. I had so much fun seeing everyone on our site. Chris Swart for offering up his room and added monies, Steve Booth for staging, Daniel Busch for streaming and all the members behind the scenes helping put the event together can not be overlooked. Jim (Pilot) played the best of anyone and deserved his win. A break here or there could have seen different players being on top at the end but that's the nature of our game. You have to get a few roles and play well to be there at the end. I felt that about at least fifteen of our players could have won the event. That's how close the skill levels were. One point of interest is how my final match with the pilot played out. First off the hot seat winner was awarded the first break in our race to three. I think that was a very good rule. The hot seat should be awarded that advantage for playing well through the event. In my mind there was no controversy about laying the cue on the table which I did do it in pattering out some of my shots. I was reminded about it and that's that. Frankly I am disappointed in myself for not knowing that rule. There has been quite a lot said about shot clocks and so forth. We have beaten that to death over the years both on our site and other sites. I say play to the rules of the event and if those rules conflict with your opinions, don't play. The recent event at Buffalo's allowed players to climb on the tables. OK those were the rules. Sorry for my digression. I played seventeen hours on the last day and loved every minute of it. My wife tells me to lose weight so I'll have better stamina. Why would I do that? Lastly, Pilot get your good playing behind back to Ventura cause I want a rematch. Good shooting Jim.

Thank you Jerry for your kind words. I have a two day trip to Burbank in June and three people who want to play from Ventura to Ontario. So I’ll just have to see how the trip works out.

I love to seek out the best players in the areas that I travel to. Last years tournament I got to practice with Dave Gross and came away thinking, OMG what a stroke, how am I going to beat this guy. Dave gave me a nice whooping and lesson. I played Jerry in his room and left thinking, dang there’s great players everywhere. Thursday night I meet John Rawski and John was kind enough to beat my brains out and have a great time doing it. So come tournament time I had to play all three and managed to get just the right combination of luck and play to eek out hill-hill matches with all three.


Verified Member
Mar 14, 2005
Fort Collins, CO

Daniel just posted this picture of us on facebook. It was taken before our match but could have easily been taken after your spectacular game winning shot. It may be my new favorite picture. :)


  • Me and the Pilot 2018 members tourney.jpg
    Me and the Pilot 2018 members tourney.jpg
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