Trapping styles


Verified Member
Oct 7, 2008
One of the best one pocket $$ players on the West Coast for some time was Warren (The Monk) Costanza. I use some of the things I watched him do. Placing balls near the pockets downtable to use for safeties or block the scratch on short rail cross banks is one of them.

I will keep the others to myself.:D

Good stuff John...I can se where using a ball as a pocket blocker could prove very beneficial.


Verified Member
Oct 7, 2008
Trap 1: The $1,000 shot. Simply leave one or two balls on the foot rail and practice banking balls toward your pocket while sliding the cue ball behind those obstructing balls.

Trap 2: Tie up the long rail bank to your opponent's pocket by placing two balls near the side pocket.

Trap 3: Practice the soft ticky into the stack from all angles.

Trap 4: When the game goes up table, practice banking the ball towards your pocket while freezing him on an interfering ball.

Trap 5: Early in the game, when the stack is still pristine, practice three railing a ball towards your pocket, bottom rail, side rail, top rail, to your pocket, while locking him in the stack.

Trap 6: After trading scratches in the corner, when four balls are on the spot, two rail kick the balls to open them to your side, cue ball releasing towards his up table pocket. When done right, you have a dangerous spread of balls that favors you greatly.

Trap 7: First or second inning: Instead of banking that one ball to your pocket, and getting nothing else, bank into the last column of balls in the stack and watch a pocket switch that greatly turns the game around. Cue ball ends up about second diamond and now you have 7 or 8 balls that favor your pocket. With practice, you make the ball off the stack and run out.

At least one or two of these traps come up in nearly every game and identifying the opportunity and executing the trap is central to winning one pocket.

I like them all!!!