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  • Hi Dustin. My PayPal account is not processing my requests. Can I send you the entry money (check) for the upcoming November 2022 "Memphis" tournament? If I can send the check, please provide the address I can direct the check to. Thank you, John Rawski.
    Dustin, my son works in the entertainment biz in LA. We worked with Artie for months. They wrote a script he turned down, my son went to see him in Vegas and explained the facts of life about making a movie, and they even sent a couple of production people to see him. Bottom line is he would not sign an exclusive and they gave up on him.
    Hi Dustin, maybe I don't have your email. I sent you a couple. I wanted to know if you receive the snake? Please let me know. Thanks Keith you want paypal or a check? Let me know here. We will all survive this, no doubt.. :)
    Hey Dustin, do you want PayPal or check. If PayPal sent me the address if check just let me know I have your address. Good sweat. Keith
    Hi Dustin, I just got my mail and very surprised to found the shirt. Our gift exchange is becoming quite a thing. I was hoping to see you play on the stream but I had to settle for Mitch. You know when we actually meet you may not like me???? Im still planning on showing up at the Derby and looking forward to meeting you and the rest of the 1 holers. Thanks so much for the shirt.
    by the way I haven't hit a ball in 6 weeks, hurt my back pretty bad. its feeling pretty good the past 2 days so maybe sometime next week. thanks again keith
    Dustin, just measured the pockets, definitely 4 1/8". i have mixed feelings about them. it should force me to become more accurate but I'm going to miss a lot of shots. keith
    hi Dustin, i receive the shirt today, fits great! thanks very much. keithj
    In reference to the 2 rail kick into 5 spotted balls, do you know the diamond system? keith
    just checking to make sure you received the shirt. hope it got there and hope it fits you. keith
    Dustin, I received the shaft today, its beautiful. I feel guilty not paying for it. Its a very generous holiday gift from obviously a real nice person. I sincerely hope I get to meet you one of these days its obvious with one pocket and Pink Floyd we have a lot in common. Thanks again Keith
    dustin whats the smallest diameter schon shaft you have that is STRAIGHT and how much do you want for it? thanks keith stanton
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