Hey Mark Griffin

Fast Lenny

Verified Member
May 15, 2005
Arizona & OCNY
I like what Pat is doing with Accu-Stats and the Make it Happen events. Perhaps CSI could do the same with this and offer a PPV and free digital download of all matches for those who pre-order it at a price of say $99.95. I would think getting 100-200 people behind it for a 2-3 day event watching the PPV could happen and fund the added money along with some sponsors it might actually make a couple of dollars.


New Member
Jan 6, 2016
Once again, not speaking for Mark, but it seems to me that rather than off-the-cuff ideas and sentiments, it might get things a little further on down the road if a more concrete proposal were made.

IOW, something like: This is room owner ______, I own _____, in ______.

I have XX number of tables available and my room can accommodate spectators and video streaming. I am prepared to host a US Open One Pocket event and am willing to add $_____, and provide personal for organizing, promoting, and running the tournament and will commit to having all tables and related equipment in "US Open" condition for the event.

Mark is not hard to reach and I'm sure he'd be happy to listen to a concrete proposal.

Lou Figueroa

Here you go....

Room Owner: Richard Schenck
Room: Teachers Billiards
Location: St Louis

I have 4 9' Diamonds. I'm guessing Greg Sullivan would work with me for 2 or 4 more.
I can host and I can stream

I will add $5000.

NH Steve

Apr 25, 2004
New Hampshire
Here you go....

Room Owner: Richard Schenck
Room: Teachers Billiards
Location: St Louis

I have 4 9' Diamonds. I'm guessing Greg Sullivan would work with me for 2 or 4 more.
I can host and I can stream

I will add $5000.

It's not often that someone offers to add $5000 to a One Pocket tournament in their very first post.

Welcome to onepocket.org and I hope you this works out!


Verified Member
Mar 29, 2006
Tucson AZ
Here you go....

Room Owner: Richard Schenck
Room: Teachers Billiards
Location: St Louis

I have 4 9' Diamonds. I'm guessing Greg Sullivan would work with me for 2 or 4 more.
I can host and I can stream

I will add $5000.

Hello, welcome. i wish i had a teacher like this when i was in school.


Verified Member
Aug 15, 2013
monett missouri
Here you go....

Room Owner: Richard Schenck
Room: Teachers Billiards
Location: St Louis

I have 4 9' Diamonds. I'm guessing Greg Sullivan would work with me for 2 or 4 more.
I can host and I can stream

I will add $5000.


Several of us here will want to pitch in to help you make this happen. When you need help with something, post it here and we'll see if we can give a hand.


Verified Member
Nov 26, 2004
Bernie, I agree with you. Putting up a small sum to help sponsor the event might be the way to go. Also, you don't have to use the same name to get the event relocated somewhere else if Mark is no longer interested in holding the event. You can call it what you like to get the same results. How about the National One Pocket Championships or Americas One Pocket Championship or any number of other titles? Lastly, Mark can charge $500 to enter and see about limiting it to 32 players. I also think some sponsorship could be obtained for the added monies as well.

Why not a World One Pocket Championship. The winner would be the World Champion.

My idea on how to make it happen would be to make it the members of One Pocket Orgs responsibility. Put together a chain of command.

Have qualifiers everywhere in the U.S. (and other areas of the world if they exist) where one pocket has serious players. Charge $100 per player for the qualifier with an 8 player qualifier making $800 entry to the winner. Winners go to wherever the finals are being played. Have the finals be 32 player field @ $800 per = $25,600 + whatever added money the chain of command can work out.

(note: this is just a rough idea which I am sure others could improve upon)

Have One Pocket Org members figure out who the top 10 (or so) one pocket players in the world are and make them ineligible for the qualifiers but eligible to pay their $800 and play in the final. The other 22 spots coming from qualifiers or people paying the $800 to enter.

I know I could run a qualifier in Los Angeles and get 8 players at $100 and probably another couple of qualifiers also. I am sure the same could happen in a lot of areas (Northern Cal., Arizona, Chicago, St. Louis, several cities in the South and the East Coast etc. etc.)

If the interest was high instead of having a 32 player final, you could have 4 regional finals (easy travel for everyone) with the top 2 regional winners going to a final of 8 where they would all be making money.

The end result A World Champion.


Verified Member
May 24, 2004
Placerville, CA
Bernie, I agree with you. Putting up a small sum to help sponsor the event might be the way to go. Also, you don't have to use the same name to get the event relocated somewhere else if Mark is no longer interested in holding the event. You can call it what you like to get the same results. How about the National One Pocket Championships or Americas One Pocket Championship or any number of other titles? Lastly, Mark can charge $500 to enter and see about limiting it to 32 players. I also think some sponsorship could be obtained for the added monies as well.

Mark might respond to clarify, but I believe he said just the tables ran 8/10k. Then you add the other expenses, and the cost is considerably more. This is why they always ran it along with other events. It will not support itself as a stand alone tournament.


Verified Member
Jul 1, 2004
St. Louis, MO
Unless he's a pool/one pocket sugar daddy, he sure should hope to profit from it, but that includes food and drink and table time and whatever value he can ascribe to the exposure. It would definitely help his reputation some locally, and most any of us who were traveling through town in the future would try to get by there. (It would sure help if he were in an all-night-legal location -- or approved and permitted for this special event. Table time could get pretty hefty.

I wonder how Shooters makes money on its three big tourneys every year. I know Dan Tull likes pool, but would he really take a loss during three weekends out of the year?



Verified Member
Jun 25, 2004
Gulfport, Mississippi
Why not a World One Pocket Championship. The winner would be the World Champion.

My idea on how to make it happen would be to make it the members of One Pocket Orgs responsibility. Put together a chain of command.

Have qualifiers everywhere in the U.S. (and other areas of the world if they exist) where one pocket has serious players. Charge $100 per player for the qualifier with an 8 player qualifier making $800 entry to the winner. Winners go to wherever the finals are being played. Have the finals be 32 player field @ $800 per = $25,600 + whatever added money the chain of command can work out.


That's a very good concept, Wayne. The regionals could be promoted or run by 1p.o members. It shouldn't be difficult to get 8 locals in most metro areas to kick in $100 entry at the chance of winning an $800 entry to the main event. Although, at $800, I think that any open spots would be quickly snapped up by top players. It would be nice to have even more spots (a bigger field), but then that brings into consideration a larger venue.

The key would be to get someone who could organize it, run it, and follow through with all the details. It would take someone with clout, energy, kowledge, and interest. And how would that guy be compensated? It would be a rather Herculean task for someone to do it merely for the love of the game. That's why guys like Griffin, Behrman, or Sullivan fit the bill.

But it's certainly an idea worth considering.



Verified Member
Aug 15, 2013
monett missouri
I wonder how Shooters makes money on its three big tourneys every year. I know Dan Tull likes pool, but would he really take a loss during three weekends out of the year?


No table cost except routine cloth change; massive drink sales; good food sales, and the kicker, 100-150 entrants to a double elim race-to-9 bar box 9-ball at $.75/game. He adds $1000 to 1P and $4000 to 9 ball.

It's profitable, but take away the quarters in the bar boxes and put the whole $5000 added on 1P and he might have a loser.... but not much. His staff scores massive tips, and, whatever it might be worth to him, his Olathe, KS room is known nationally, and he personally knows at least half the 100 top players in country.

If a room didn't have alcohol and food, or enough tables, or bar box tourney along side, totally different picture.


Verified Member
Aug 15, 2013
monett missouri

That's a very good concept, Wayne. The regionals could be promoted or run by 1p.o members. It shouldn't be difficult to get 8 locals in most metro areas to kick in $100 entry at the chance of winning an $800 entry to the main event. Although, at $800, I think that any open spots would be quickly snapped up by top players. It would be nice to have even more spots (a bigger field), but then that brings into consideration a larger venue.


Olathe handles avg 48 entrants, 12 tables, race to 3 in 24 hours of actual play. If race to 4, add 6 hours max. My estimate for 48 players, race to 4 double elim, 8 tables: 6hours Thur night (7:00-1:00); 14 hours each Fri and Sat (11:00-1:00), 6 hours Sun (12:00-6:00). [After 3 rounds -- 6:00 PM Sat -- 8 tables handles all remaining rounds in one cycle.] Olathe schedules only estimated times for the starting of rounds after the first one each day... as soon as a table opens, the next pair of players is up.

I like $500 entry; 8-man qualifiers pay $500 and $300. (At $800 entry for the main event, if 1st place qualifiers get the whole $800, some of the 2nd place finishers won't show for the main.) 12 top players we (or room owner and we ) choose "grandfathered" (pre-qualified but have to pay.) 8 slots open for 32, and I suspect that's all we'd get for $500... I could be wrong. $21,000 prize fund. 8 tables work no prob for 32.

The key would be to get someone who could organize it, run it, and follow through with all the details. It would take someone with clout, energy, kowledge, and interest. And how would that guy be compensated? It would be a rather Herculean task for someone to do it merely for the love of the game. That's why guys like Griffin, Behrman, or Sullivan fit the bill.

Rake the Calcutta?

But it's certainly an idea worth considering.

You betcha.

P.S. Everybody feel free to to critique any part or all of this or add thoughts.


Verified Member
Jul 17, 2004
Hello, welcome. i wish i had a teacher like this when i was in school.

Richard/Teacher runs the premiere pool room in the greater St. Louis area. Not only is the room and equipment 1st rate (all Diamonds), he regularly holds tournaments, leagues, and streams matches at http://www.oncue2.com/

It does not surprise me that he is stepping up to the plate like this. Who knows, perhaps The Open has found a new home.

I spoke to Mark again today. He is temporarily laid up with the flu but I think is open to ideas and he and Teacher will be talking soon. I made him aware of this thread and he said he'd check it out in due course.

Lou Figueroa


Verified Member
Jul 17, 2004

Several of us here will want to pitch in to help you make this happen. When you need help with something, post it here and we'll see if we can give a hand.

Hold that thought, John :)

Lou Figueroa