Hey Freddy and Johnny Ervolino !!


New Member
May 24, 2004
How sweet it is.....Freddy and Johnny Erv contributing on this site !!

Freddy....it was a pleasure playing you in Louisville (one-pocket) and thanks for signing my One Pocket book. I was lucky to get all the rolls in our match.

Louie used to tell many stories about his Chicago visits and your name was always mentioned. I wish I had taped ALL of Louies stories. That would be some great reading !!!

Im told a new book on BANKS is on the horizon ??? Lets have the details !!

Mark O'Brien - St.Louis


Verified Member
May 24, 2004
Jackson, Miss.
John Zaksas

John Zaksas

I think I told you once before that I use to run with Zaksas some when I lived in Chicago, Freddy. Just curious as to how you and John match/matched up? I know his version, LOL. I was never in with him when you guys played.

fred bentivegna

Verified Member
Feb 2, 2005
chicago illinois


hemicudas said:
I think I told you once before that I use to run with Zaksas some when I lived in Chicago, Freddy. Just curious as to how you and John match/matched up? I know his version, LOL. I was never in with him when you guys played.

Zaksas ducked me for twenty years. At that time I always claimed to be the best white banker in Chicago -- no mean claim with a "Bugs" in town-- and I would have thought that he would have looked me up to take the title away. He finally outlasted me and now that I got old and washed up he'll play and spot me. We're still good friends and he will probably heat up over my expose but facts is facts and aside from Bugs and Artie if anybody in Chicago claimed they could beat me I would go out and track them down and give them an opportunity to back up their mouth.
the beard


Verified Member
May 24, 2004
Jackson, Miss.
Best White Banker

Best White Banker

fred bentivegna said:
Zaksas ducked me for twenty years. At that time I always claimed to be the best white banker in Chicago -- no mean claim with a "Bugs" in town-- and I would have thought that he would have looked me up to take the title away. He finally outlasted me and now that I got old and washed up he'll play and spot me. We're still good friends and he will probably heat up over my expose but facts is facts and aside from Bugs and Artie if anybody in Chicago claimed they could beat me I would go out and track them down and give them an opportunity to back up their mouth.
the beard
Where have I heard that title before? I had heard a few people say, Zaksas held that title so I ask him in the mid 80s, "What about the Beard?", all he said was, Freddy wont play me any more. Not trying to start anything between you two but I had heard that you banked a bit better than, John. Not mine to question either one of you, cause, I can't/couldn't beat either one of ya.

I met Zaksas in 1979, shortly after he got back from Europe. He said he made a ton of money there and wondered why he ever came back. Over the years he kept saying he was going back but as far as I know he never did.