What was your Costliest Mis-Cue


Verified Member
Apr 22, 2013
Philly Pa
What was your Costliest Mis-Cue

Hill Hill game, 300.00 each, race to 3 one pocket.

I needed 3 balls and had about 4 balls that went to my hole but was on 2 fouls , opponent left a pretty easy long shot but when I got ready to shoot I barely touched the cueball on my last stroke.

I stood up and raked the balls, and everyone was asking what happened.

If anyone saw me foul they never said anything.

So that was a 600.00 miscue .

My opponent was a real sportsman , so I got to relive that shot every time someone came in the poolroom the rest of the day.

Yep. That hurts. Lol on your opponent giving you the business. Typical.