Rules question...

TX Poolnut

New Member
Dec 12, 2005
Houston, TX, USA
If I'm in a match where more than 16 points are needed (11-7, 12-6, etc.), I realize that balls would have to be spotted on the foot spot to play out the match. The question I have is, do they only come out of my pocket or do they get spotted out of his pocket too? Example- I haven't made any balls yet but he has made two. Even though he would keep his two points, would we pull the balls out of his pocket or do we wait till I make balls and then pull them out of my pocket only?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2005
Orlando, Fl
9.3 In the event of a handicapped game with the combined winning ball count needed by the two players or teams totals greater than sixteen at the start of the game, then the player going to the longer count must spot the first ball or balls they score, immediately at the end of the first inning in which they score, as necessary to bring the combined winning ball count back down to sixteen, at which point the game continues in standard fashion.

Anytime you need a 1P rule, go to the top of the page where it says "Playing the Game", hold your cursor over it and you will see "Rules of the Game", click and you're in bidness. Hope this helps. Jeff.