One pocket handi-cap rating & comparison system


Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
psychological things maybe do apply but thats to each individual and cannot be quantified.

there are also many things that just need to be adjusted subjectively like realizing balls spotted are worth less for better players and visa versa.


Verified Member
Apr 14, 2016
Correct there are many complexities of the mental game, too many for this thread--not something I can implement and or weave into this chart.
As another post mentioned, it can't be quantified anyway...This being human and being emotional.

I personally do not shark guys until they open the "shark door"
Meaning while I'm stroking or running the balls they decide they have something
funny or important to say. Doesn't even have to be at that junction of the game...At Derby I felt like this guy sharked me before we even started.
He made a complaint that I got more practice on the table then he did and even tho it's not time to start yet I need to stop practicing.
Right off the bat "because of character" I felt slight annoyance/anger and my internal dialog judging machine turned on.
Our brain is like a computer/tape recorder, sharking if heard will have some effect. IMO to be a true champion, you're going to have to find ways to not let it negatively impact you.

We had a guy recently break another guys cue for claiming that he lost because he was sharked. The guy that broke the cue is known to be one of the most talkative players you've ever seen, no matte what the bet!...While your shooting, while he's shooting...He probably can't help it.

Sure, I play 10$ games with buddies and it might turn into a shark fest.
I always say or think even at that level I'm developing bad mental habits.

Maybe I'll make a new "Sharking & psychological edge chart"
Making fun of a guys hair: 5% edge
Making fun of a guys wife: 15% edge
Constantly saying how lucky the opponent is: 3%


Verified Member
Nov 23, 2017
San Jose, CA
Handicapping One Pocket

Handicapping One Pocket

As my old friend John Henderson says, "You gotta get 2 balls the better of it in case they get lucky".

One Pocket Ghost

Verified Member
May 25, 2004
I've been working on this for awhile. Some players have been asking me to release this because they want to know how the spots work without investing too much money.

The most important concept to gather from this document is the relationship between the handicaps--that you see why one is better than the other.
The actual theoretical percentages that I used can to a degree be arbitrary. If you think a ball is worth 6% vs 11.1%, it's almost subjective.

This is not a complete document yet and based off of my personal experience --with some help from the Ghost. However, he has not seen this yet.

I also released this with the intent of helping the game evolve. I noticed some of the players that are not from Chicago have never heard of these spots.
I invented some of my own but they may be considered fantasy and more for entertainment value.
I hope to open some doors for wild card style games, creativity and methods for modifying classic handy-caps

There is a .pdf attached and an image of that PDF. The original document is made in excel and I can edit and evolve it.

Johnny forgot to add one other very important handicap...

The Ghost matching up with you: any spot that the Ghost offers/determines - you can be 100% certain that it is a fair and even game for both players...:heh


Verified Member
Apr 14, 2016
I tried one of the obscure handicaps last night from one of the best players at Chris's.
I took 13/7 from him and I had to bank my last ball.

One time I couldn't even get to the hill ball and he beat me. :frus on my break
One time I beat him and he still owed 2 balls. :cool: on his break.
I only had time for one more game. Even though it was my break we flipped for it and I won the flip. I had this game under total control, I got to my hill ball and he still needed 5 balls. I ended up loosing this game! I was in a hurry and started to take too much risk. However, some interesting strategies started taking place.
For example you can leave a ball or multiple balls near my pocket and he can freely shoot difficult shots as long as the best bank he's leaving me is a 2 rail.
Having a ball hanging in my pocket actually hurts me pretty bad as I can't bank a ball into that ball to win.

I realized in hindsight that some adjustments have to me made.

The largest one is: I should be allowed to pocket my 7th ball to play shape for a bankable ball and or pocketing my 7th ball, 8th, 9th ball still allows me to keep shooting to play safe or until I miss.
All balls after the 7th ball have to then get spotted. These are things that need to be established prior to starting the match. Also IMO a bank carom should count. If I have 2 balls near my pocket and I make a banked ball carom off one, It needs to count. If my banked ball knocks a ball in (bank/combo) that should not count.
This match had a lot of people watching and even wanting to side bet.
Also, after it was over I heard guys trying to hustle guys into variations of this spot. This breeds new life into the gambling economy, players can't accurately calculate what this type of handicap is worth--they are forced to GAMBLE!!!