Our friend is gone

Alfie Taylor

Verified Member
Jan 21, 2010
I'd like to tell a story about Grady and me in the 70s. We were living in Nashville, where my wife, Beverly said "Grady, you're a testimate to my cooking. You never leave a bite." Then he explained that he never does wherever he eats.

This story is in my book in detail, but it's about how Grady walked into a Nashville pool room to catch the owner, who was triple gun shy because of all of us who had taxed him. He swore ha wouldn't play any strangers. Grady and I found a turtle in the road and put it in a paper bag. Grady went in the pool room and told the owner he wanted to gamble on pool, if he could find a place for his turtle to sleep, at which time he took it out of the bag and told it good night. You guessed it. The guy jumped on Grady and had to be poured off of him...broke of course.
I loved traveling with Grady and it was fun writing about our adventures.
God bless him and St Peter...
Keep it nice. Alfie