I got challenged to a One Pocket game through poetry by Alex Lely


Verified Member
Jan 30, 2017
The Hague, The netherlands
In response to a blog post 'An ode to One Pocket' I wrote a few weeks ago, Alex Lely challenged me to a game of One Pocket through poetry (I think it's necessary to read the blog post first to fully understand the part below). I was happily surprised. Alex started off with a terrific pun, referring to his sponsor Mezz Cues. The part 'in the game of tomorrow' refers to a 9-ball doubles match we already scheduled. He wrote the following:

"Mezzmerized by the eloquence of my counterforcer in the game of tomorrow,
I could mumble his words,
Stumble over his traps,
Yet, i will not.
As this discipline of choice, speed, and traps makes me lucid, patient,
And more than anything other,
Eager to break a mans spirit.
Therefore i dare say,
Let a 9-7 be played to honour this Oklahoma-born,
But moreso,
To help you respect this friend yet more.
Because where I can make you stumble,
Your treasure shall be found.
Another lesson to be learned,
And your hopes to grow once again for our next encounter thereafter.
Let a 9-7 be played tomorrow i say

I replied:

"I will stare into your eyes,
You, your game,
The perfect imperfection of a 9-7,
A trap nevertheless,
A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Eager, but patiently in search for prey,
To break, To outwit,
To control, To dominate.
Me, looking for the treasure,
Aware of the stumbling,
Expecting the danger,
A bumpy ride it shall be,
I will accept, admitting to a faulty 9-7,
To honour him,
The game.

The next day he ate me alive.

Feel free to pick up your pen and write a One Pocket poem,
or reply through poetry in any form!

"The pen is mightier than the sword" - Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton​