Who R dey?

Artie Bodendorfer

Verified Member
Nov 18, 2005
usblues said:
Oh hell yes,plus I just heard Tarzana the LA suburb was where ER Burroughs,the Tarzan writer lived in the 20's-30's!Just read a good book about Vegas in the 50's-60's about the law vs. the mafia.You sure got there at a good time as you can be your own man like in the Wild West aye?Not dependant on some fatso's who would just as soon slit your throat as look at you like NYC or Jersey.......not that I would know about that.......I did get lucky in Tucson in 72 when I ran into a mob lawyer who got my case dismissed on a technicality.......but percentages were your game aye?

They could have had all off las vegas. All the had too do was use more brains then Muscle. They could have had it all.

And they would have been the richest and most powerfull onganizarion in the world.

Nobody would have been close. And Buggsy Siegal had the wright Idea.

But They didnt see it or could predict the future but ita clear as can be now.

And the corperations took it all over. THey have the power and the money now.

thier lucky I wasant thier Coach they would have had it all. Just like now with the internet. It will happen anyway.

Just a matter off time. And they have waiseted 10 yrears already.

They countrys people have lost billions already and lost millions in thier investigation.

Since the begining because the are too bussy asking someone who is qualified what to do.

Instead off making laws too stop it withch they have made. And spent more money making laws and inforcing something that will become legele and bigger than anything in the world.

But they cannot see it or realy understand it because they are in the making law buisness.

They understand law. But they do not understand gambling. Niether party.

Its a 150% that it aill happen. I just hope that it wont be someone who doesnt like Americans.

And thier are countrys that would like too see us go down. People need to take a good look at this. Because its the future off our children and Grand Children.

And the could have already made trillions by taxes and legalizing it. Instead off going deeper in the hole.

The would he ahead off the game and not behind. All I would need is one day too explain it too both parties.

And they would wake up an dearlze what they need too do. Because it will happen any way.

And are they going too inforce a law that they can only go brock and wont do anything too stop internet gambling anyway.

And this will save the Casinos in las vegas and the whole state off NV.

And the Goverment will make more money then they need for the Defasate.

Maybe you have some way that I can talk too or get the whole story out for everyone yo see it?

Don Smith

Verified Member
Sep 14, 2008
And Shock Theater with Marvin

And Shock Theater with Marvin

was not on at midnight.

Artie Bodendorfer

Verified Member
Nov 18, 2005
Don Smith said:
was not on at midnight.[/QUOTE

Frankan Stien was the main caracter. It was very interesting when I was that age.

And I bet some parants wouldnt even let thier kids see it. Because they might have night mares.

Jimmy B

Verified Member
Aug 17, 2007
Don Smith said:
was not on at midnight.

Shock Theater was a bundle of 50 or so films concerning The Mummy, Wolfman, Dracula, and Frankenstien. Different regions used Horror Hosts to do intros and banter during breaks. In my region (Souteast) in 57,58,59,60 it ran at 12 midnight after local news and some hardcore detective show. It became so popular it raised the roof on tv ratings. It was phenomenal. Later on in the sixties it began showing at about 1 pm on Saturday afternoons. This was also very popular, but not for me. I had outgrown it and considered the afternoon showings lame. Staying up all night was the deal for me....

Artie Bodendorfer

Verified Member
Nov 18, 2005
Jimmy B said:
Shock Theater was a bundle of 50 or so films concerning The Mummy, Wolfman, Dracula, and Frankenstien. Different regions used Horror Hosts to do intros and banter during breaks. In my region (Souteast) in 57,58,59,60 it ran at 12 midnight after local news and some hardcore detective show. It became so popular it raised the roof on tv ratings. It was phenomenal. Later on in the sixties it began showing at about 1 pm on Saturday afternoons. This was also very popular, but not for me. I had outgrown it and considered the afternoon showings lame. Staying up all night was the deal for me....

Shock Theater use too come on late at night in Chicago. And You must be a little older then 66 or 67. They might be a little old fashioned today.

But in my time they were great.

Don Smith

Verified Member
Sep 14, 2008
Shock Theater with Marvin

Shock Theater with Marvin

Channel 7 10PM 1957-1959 Very Scary!

Sadly I can't find any video of Marvin playing one pocket.
Last edited:

Artie Bodendorfer

Verified Member
Nov 18, 2005
Don Smith said:
Channel 7 10PM 1957-1959 Very Scarey!

Sadly I can't any video of Marvin playing one pocket or not.

I never seen Frankin stien play pool.

Thier was a player named Frankienstien on the south side off Chicago.

He played pretty good Onepocket and bankd.

Its amazing what people you can think off when you her some moves.

I no Freddy ne Frankiinstien for sur. As I remember.

He got the name becuse he looket a little scary.


Verified Member
May 24, 2004
fred bentivegna said:
Incidentally, neither guy, Billy Carelli or Little Al has a perfect record against the Beard, and Carelli required a spot.

I don't doubt that! Billy Carrelli tells a funny story about that match-up though. He said that He and Little Al came in separately so you didn't put them together and Al made a one pocket game with you. After a while he put you in a trap on the end rail

with the only option was to shoot a long tough cut. He said you got down on the ball several times but just couldn't force yourself to "pull the trigger" and would get back up. I guess Billy was whispering something to Al which you caught out of the corner

of your eye and finally when you got down on the shot you yelled out "Carelli what rock did you dig this SOB out from under?" LOL I gotta laugh when I think about that situation because I can just see you going through those motions and yelling that

across the room! Billy does speak highly and fondly of you, I don't mean to make it sound like there was animosity between you guys, just pool room humor!

Billy brought Little Al back to Cincinnati to play Gary one pocket and also tried to make it look like they didn't know one another. He told Al of Gary's weaknesses, one being that I wouldn't let him do coke. Al would go to the bathroom every couple of

games and come back sniffing and playing with his nose which drove Gary nuts. He also deliberately slowed wayyyyy down which also put Gary on tilt. We lost about a grand to them that night. Billy brought him back a few weeks later and I had Gary

psyched up to play him this time and Gary beat him like a drum, but they pulled up after we won about half of our money back. That was one of only 2 or 3 times that someone came to Cincinnati and beat Gary during the time we were partners. That

"Little Al" could really play one pocket though for a junkie who was relatively unknown. I think his real name was David Allen from Texas. Do you know anything about him or what ever became of him?

Jimmy B

Verified Member
Aug 17, 2007
Artie Bodendorfer said:
I never seen Frankin stien play pool.

Thier was a player named Frankienstien on the south side off Chicago.

He played pretty good Onepocket and bankd.

Its amazing what people you can think off when you her some moves.

I no Freddy ne Frankiinstien for sur. As I remember.

He got the name becuse he looket a little scary.

A pool player named Frankenstien. I should have known. I bet you and Freddy could have put him to sleep again permanently ...rip...
Naw I'm not even 60 yet. I got into slasher gore and hard core porn real real young. My dad got elected to city council and all the movie theaters had to close on sunday under The Blue Laws. He lead the way to get them all opened on sunday, and we got permanent free passes to all walk ins and drive ins and gold passes to the carnivels etc. I was told I could go every day and see any movie that played bar none and I was in Heaven.

Eddie The Hat Burton and David Sizemore were also from this little place. Big deal. I didnt learn much from them except to stay away from them. Artie B. Thanks so much for taking the time to type out these messages. I have been going back in time and rereading them. I wish I was younger and you needed someone, I would prospect for you. That is an outlaw biker term that means I would be your servant and you would teach me what you know and what you continue to learn, but I know that time is over and you don't want or need it. So I learn via the internet.

Some people think Q. Tarentino is ignorant cause he misspells words and types out his movie scripts with one finger. Well he is dumb compared to Artie Bodendorfer but just go to the club with him and watch the young ladies line up. Billy I. and Freddy The Beard are awesome too, but Artie is the one that inspires me.........adieu...........

fred bentivegna

Verified Member
Feb 2, 2005
chicago illinois
Carelli the trainer

Carelli the trainer

cuesmith said:
I don't doubt that! Billy Carrelli tells a funny story about that match-up though. He said that He and Little Al came in separately so you didn't put them together and Al made a one pocket game with you. After a while he put you in a trap on the end rail

with the only option was to shoot a long tough cut. He said you got down on the ball several times but just couldn't force yourself to "pull the trigger" and would get back up. I guess Billy was whispering something to Al which you caught out of the corner

of your eye and finally when you got down on the shot you yelled out "Carelli what rock did you dig this SOB out from under?" LOL I gotta laugh when I think about that situation because I can just see you going through those motions and yelling that

across the room! Billy does speak highly and fondly of you, I don't mean to make it sound like there was animosity between you guys, just pool room humor!

Billy brought Little Al back to Cincinnati to play Gary one pocket and also tried to make it look like they didn't know one another. He told Al of Gary's weaknesses, one being that I wouldn't let him do coke. Al would go to the bathroom every couple of

games and come back sniffing and playing with his nose which drove Gary nuts. He also deliberately slowed wayyyyy down which also put Gary on tilt. We lost about a grand to them that night. Billy brought him back a few weeks later and I had Gary

psyched up to play him this time and Gary beat him like a drum, but they pulled up after we won about half of our money back. That was one of only 2 or 3 times that someone came to Cincinnati and beat Gary during the time we were partners. That

"Little Al" could really play one pocket though for a junkie who was relatively unknown. I think his real name was David Allen from Texas. Do you know anything about him or what ever became of him?

I always had fun with Billy Carelli. He actually was a horse trainer as you knew, and he could trap a lot of people playing pool with that gaff. He tells a lot of great stories about Cinnci, Donnie Anderson, etc. He did a long audio of his life on the track. It was very interesting. I had a copy but I have forgotten what the hell I did with it.


The best story was when Bugs first played Donnie Anderson. They were see sawing until Bugs played a pass over cross corner. Donnie just assumed Bugs with cross it and return the cue ball to the end rail. Instead, Bugs pulled the cue ball with english, came off the short rail and cracked the stack and ran out. Billy said Donnie was all done after that.

Artie Bodendorfer

Verified Member
Nov 18, 2005
Jimmy B said:
A pool player named Frankenstien. I should have known. I bet you and Freddy could have put him to sleep again permanently ...rip...
Naw I'm not even 60 yet. I got into slasher gore and hard core porn real real young. My dad got elected to city council and all the movie theaters had to close on sunday under The Blue Laws. He lead the way to get them all opened on sunday, and we got permanent free passes to all walk ins and drive ins and gold passes to the carnivels etc. I was told I could go every day and see any movie that played bar none and I was in Heaven.

Eddie The Hat Burton and David Sizemore were also from this little place. Big deal. I didnt learn much from them except to stay away from them. Artie B. Thanks so much for taking the time to type out these messages. I have been going back in time and rereading them. I wish I was younger and you needed someone, I would prospect for you. That is an outlaw biker term that means I would be your servant and you would teach me what you know and what you continue to learn, but I know that time is over and you don't want or need it. So I learn via the internet.

Some people think Q. Tarentino is ignorant cause he misspells words and types out his movie scripts with one finger. Well he is dumb compared to Artie Bodendorfer but just go to the club with him and watch the young ladies line up. Billy I. and Freddy The Beard are awesome too, but Artie is the one that inspires me.........adieu...........

Thanks a lot Im Glade that I inspire you.

And I hopr I do that too everyone.

Because I no if that can happen it will be a big step forward and motavate you to learning and practice.

They greatest Person that can do that for you every day.

Is yourself. And all those people in the world that go too work so they can feed thier families and suport themselves.

Desirvie all the credit in the worls. And they need too be inspired and motavated that they are doing the weright thing every day.

Weather they feel like going too work or not.

To inspire people and motivate them that they can be and do whatever they want to be is the greatest thing that that we can be aware off.

Life is not always easy thier is a lot off responsability too ourselves and people around us.

My Brother John. John and his Wife Donna leived in Beaver Falls. Pittsburg. It was a very poor naborhood off Beaver Falls.

And I brought him to las Vegas to live her closer too me. He has had problems his whole life his life. I took care off him ever chance I had since they got married.

He had thruoght Cancer and he couoldnt talk Without a vibrator or a tube in his throught.. Because he has tubs running down his throught with air passage and a big whole in his throught.

His wife would change the tubs every day. And thier was nothing but blood that would come out. I couldnt even watch.

And he went for Cemo and Radiation every two weeks and even once a week. For 15 years.

I couldnt have done that for more than a few months. Life is not worth that much to go through all that pain and suffereing every day. I do not call that living.

But after 15 years the docyors told him that they burned hiis whole body up from the cemo and radiiaton.

And they said we cannot give you anymore radiation or cemo no more. Your body can not take it Because its all burined out.

So that was the last week my brother lived.He was 66 years old.

And if it wasant for his wife he would not have lasted too long. But he did whatever she said.

And she realy inspired him and motavated him. Every day off his life. And when she would go too the emergancy room with her husband.

THey didnt even know how too change the tubs.And if the food would go down the breathing tube he could chock too death.

She is great she works in a program for reabilitating kids. And at Christmas time all the kids sgne a christmas card saying thier thankuse too Donna.

And she srayed and lived with my brother too the end off his days. And two show how close two people can get.

She still keeps his ashes in the house. From cremating her husband because she wants him close too her. And some people never let go.

Coaches are great at inspireing and motavating thier teams we need to do the same for our families and friends and everyone in the world. Because we all need it at times.

And it can make a difference in someones life. And I also do this when im coaching someone in a game.

Its harder too do when you are in a partner game. When thier are different opinions on how to play the game.

But by teaching and giving lessions I advice people giving lessions to open up the person you are trying to teach and inspire.

I have learned if a person is shut down they will not listen or learn what you are saying.

And you have to open them up. So they can see and understand what you are trying too say and are explaining.

If that does not happen then what you are saying or teaching that lession is not learned..

And everyone learns different. WE are not the same. And whatever we teach has to be explained in a different way.

THat is what makes some teachers better then other. Some teachers teach everyone the same way.

And that is incorrect.

But by you saying that I inspire you makes me feel great.And Im not just doing this too pass my time.

And what I am saying does make a difference.


I hope it can do they same for many people.

And you can pass it on too people you no and they can get inspiered. By what you say too them.

I will leave you with this thought in mind. Inspire everyone you can today.

And show that you real care.


Verified Member
Jun 25, 2004
Gulfport, Mississippi
cuesmith said:
Billy brought Little Al back to Cincinnati to play Gary one pocket and also tried to make it look like they didn't know one another.
Sherm, did y'all play at Mergard's? I was in Cincy from '62-'67, and I used to play there once in awhile. There was another room near Peeble's Corner on McMillan upstairs on the south side of the street. It also had a bowling alley, but the poolroom was in the front overlooking the street. Do you remember the name of that joint?

There was also a small 5-6 table room downtown on Vine (I think) near the library. That was my first exposure to one-pocket, and I didn't have a clue...


fred bentivegna

Verified Member
Feb 2, 2005
chicago illinois
That again?!!

That again?!!

SactownTom said:
The Donnie Anderson aka "Cincinnati Kid" story.. .


That is a controversial article Tom, mostly because it cites that, even in "Benzingers" Donnie was unbeatable. Aside from the misspelling of Bensingers the article revved me up for a couple other reasons. I didnt like being listed as one of Donnie's victims.

"There were only a couple players in the history of the world who came into Bensingers and overpowered it. Donnie Anderson wasn't one of them. A couple of examples: Harold Worst was one, Rags Fitzpatrick was one, on the other hand, players like Jersey Red and Boston Shorty weren't.
I take offense that the writer, Skip Suder of the Cincinnatti Sports Magazine, cites me as one of Donnies victims. We played even banks in Bensingers for $50 a game and I came out eight games ahead and $400. (However, for a long time Bugs was the only guy who could consistently beat him over a period of time.)"
I made the above reply some years ago on either AZ, or 1pkt.org after his article surfaced on the internet. Unbelievably, somebody gave Donnie my number and he actually called me to dispute what I had said. "How dare you saying you beat me at Bensingers! I never lost more than five times in my whole life! 50 years!" (In the article, Donnie graciously admitted to losing only six times in his life) Suppressing a chuckle, I went on to relate the smallest details of our first encounter. He was, up to that point, my most important victory so I remembered everything.
He later got even with me during his induction into the Bank Pool HOF, when he verbally abused me and Truman Hogue unmercifully. His health had deteriorated badly, but not his sense of humor. He gave one of the funniest acceptance speeches ever, using T-man and I as his foils.
He avoided, however, further mention of his eight game drubbing at Bensingers.



Dec 7, 2007
fred bentivegna said:
That is a controversial article Tom, mostly because it cites that, even in "Benzingers" Donnie was unbeatable. Aside from the misspelling of Bensingers the article revved me up for a couple other reasons. I didnt like being listed as one of Donnie's victims.

"There were only a couple players in the history of the world who came into Bensingers and overpowered it. Donnie Anderson wasn't one of them. A couple of examples: Harold Worst was one, Rags Fitzpatrick was one, on the other hand, players like Jersey Red and Boston Shorty weren't.
I take offense that the writer, Skip Suder of the Cincinnatti Sports Magazine, cites me as one of Donnies victims. We played even banks in Bensingers for $50 a game and I came out eight games ahead and $400. (However, for a long time Bugs was the only guy who could consistently beat him over a period of time.)"
I made the above reply some years ago on either AZ, or 1pkt.org after his article surfaced on the internet. Unbelievably, somebody gave Donnie my number and he actually called me to dispute what I had said. "How dare you saying you beat me at Bensingers! I never lost more than five times in my whole life! 50 years!" (In the article, Donnie graciously admitted to losing only six times in his life) Suppressing a chuckle, I went on to relate the smallest details of our first encounter. He was, up to that point, my most important victory so I remembered everything.
He later got even with me during his induction into the Bank Pool HOF, when he verbally abused me and Truman Hogue unmercifully. His health had deteriorated badly, but not his sense of humor. He gave one of the funniest acceptance speeches ever, using T-man and I as his foils.
He avoided, however, further mention of his eight game drubbing at Bensingers.


It wasn't out of fear, that some of the best players in the country did not journey to Chicago very often..' As I have said before, who needed to deal with the "Mafia", the "heist" and the "jar"... Many went there, thats true, but they were mostly hard core scuffs, who would go ANYWHERE they thought they could make a buck.

What you had to fade in Chicago, was not just "Champion" players...it was all the other crap you didn't have to fade in most other action places.. If you weren't a "Homie", (or in solid with one) all I ever heard were horror stories, and short scores...:rolleyes:

PS..Its nice to SAY if you beat Artie or the Beard, on a 5 X 10, you could have won MILLIONS...Ya really think ???..:cool:

Artie Bodendorfer

Verified Member
Nov 18, 2005
SJDinPHX said:
It wasn't out of fear, that some of the best players in the country did not journey to Chicago very often..' As I have said before, who needed to deal with the "Mafia", the "heist" and the "jar"... Many went there, thats true, but they were mostly hard core scuffs, who would go ANYWHERE they thought they could make a buck.

What you had to fade in Chicago, was not just "Champion" players...it was all the other crap you didn't have to fade in most other action places.. If you weren't a "Homie", (or in solid with one) all I ever heard were horror stories, and short scores...:rolleyes:

PS..Its nice to SAY if you beat Artie or the Beard, on a 5 X 10, you could have won MILLIONS...Ya really think ???..:cool:

I no you could not have won millions. It would have been hard to win 30 thousand any were in the country.

Even though at North shore you could have won a couple off hundred thousand. Maybe in a week witch was a good action spot. But like DEtroite too win that kind off money you have too have those kind off money people around.

And Detroite had plenty off big money people. And North shore had about 25 good money people not like Rosy or some off the big money people in Detroite.

But Rosy was a exception too the rule. And it was hard too get him too play. It was like gitting into fort knox.

But Thier was some real serious money up at North Shore.

Bensingers had great players But I won my biggest money in cards and Spoorts. And thier were a few real good backers and gambler that would come down too Bensingers.

And I was living in the best pent house on Broad Way. It cost like 35 hunderd dollars a month.

So Hustling wasant all bad. And the nabor hood had a bunch off bars with nothing bur fine girls. And thier was lots off bar action.

And you had rush street and old town. And Lincon park is beautifull. And lake Michigan.
And walking around the rocks and lincon park zoo. It was all wright around Benzingers. And Wrigly Field and The bears played thier.

And The biggest amusement park in the country Riverview park. Everything was just a little was away.

And thier were lots off restaurants. And Bensingers was the only pool room in the city were you could get Alchohole And a lunch counter and a card room.

Thier was everything you wanted just a few door steps away. And Even Renoildies had great Pizzas and Italian food. And they had gogo bars everything you could think off.

But if you liket action thier was plunty thier. Even in snooker and 3 coushion billiards.

And thier were 10 or 15 people who would play. Not for no millions but ehier were layers and judges that played pool too.

I even use too beat this FBI agent all the time playing Three Coushion and Pool. He was a real nice guy. Not too many people new who or what he was.

But I made it my buissnes to no who was who. THey has all kinds off people come down thier.

Even Undercover police men would come and play and gamble. And we had 3 or 4 regular police men that would gamble too. Not for real big money.

But I was always in action. And backing 3 or 4 games. And that adds up faster then playing yourself.

And thier were allkinds off boosters and thieves everything you could think off came down too Bensingers.

Thier was lots off excitment and a lot off pool games. And sports and cards.

But millions I dont think thier was such a place.

Unless you were in with rosy. Or Al Sherman. Then you had a shot at Millions.

I did forget too mention My friend Jack Parks. He Had Millions off dollaers worth off jewlary in wis apartment.

And Jack would go some were for houers and leave me in his house playing Gin Rummy all night.

But the reason he had all that jewery gold and dimonds. Was because he had all the cosessions in all the Goldblatz stores in the city.

And thier were lots of stores. And he was one off the first too but gold and dimonds.

And the biggest money was made with Jewels because people had no clue what the had or what the were worth.

He told me about one Jewel that was worth 25 Thousand dollars that he payed 5 hundred dollard for.

And he had a Friend off his going arould and buying Anticks and ART and he realy new what he was doing.

And he made millions in what he did. And He loved pool And would loose 3 or 5 hundred dollaers just too throuw away a few dollaers.

And he would play cards for real big money. and he had one off the best card suckers in town.

But Jack realy new what he was doing. In buisness. He was on great man. And I never forgot him. And he was always good too people who didnt have anything.

But like everything in life people get old and whatever we have one day comes when nothing is ours no more.

But Thier was bigger money at North Shore then at Bensingers because off the people who hug out thier had bigger money.

Those days are all gone and will never come back. Its always something new that comes up.

And I learned that the ridh families control all the wealth in the country. And they will dictate to what happines.

No matter what we say or do. They control the wealth and the power. I never realized how powerfull and rich they realy are. And most people are living from day to day.

BUt I hope one day it will all change in the world. I no I wont get too see it. But it has too happen.

They cannot just keep taken from the poor. And making the rich richer. Its just not wright.

And the control everything the stock market.

The Banks the Federal resirve and the balace the budget so they dont have too pay interest on the peoples money.

And they even control the goverment. Its unblievable. I would have never thought that thats the way it is. Sad put true.

They old pool rooms are gone and one day nobody will even talk about them no more. Time changes many things. Including us.

So I look at things and nothing seems that important too me as things once were. But some people keep the fire burnning tell one day the fire burins out.


Don Smith

Verified Member
Sep 14, 2008
North Shore Question

North Shore Question

What years was North Shore open and what was their address?

Jimmy B

Verified Member
Aug 17, 2007
Another great dissertation by Mr. Bodendorfer. Yes from what I understand Rosy was handled by a group and you could only keep a small portion of what you won from him and then had to kick back most of it to the outfit that controled his action. I wish I could have been in Chicago at that time. I would have found my niche which was slinging the red card hustling 10 and 20dollar pool visiting many Doctors and acquiring vast amounts of rx pills and a few other things I won't mention. But I would never have been able to win anything from Artie or Freddy. Have to find weaker customers. Hard gambling wore me down quickly and I turned to pills and booze and stopped improving......

You are right about the government too. I finally got hold of half a million and bought cds at the bank. I thought I would always be able to get a couple of thousand a month interest to pay utilities etc for my condo. Guess again. About 500 or less now. But inflation is still on the rise. The dollar is worthless. China is quickly owning the USA. Japan in shambles. The mideast is coming apart and President Obama is grinning and bouncing arround playing golf, picking basketball brackets, jet setting, and running for re-election

I wish to God Artie could run this country for the next 12 yrs. It might hurt for awhile but later it would begin to turn arround. He would have to have what they call carte blanche power. No interference from Congress. They are all compromised sellout robots. The only trouble would be AB might work himself to death. He would need D Trump, Gates, Freddy, Bill I, myself as close advisors along with a few other minds I will not mention. Reason being, most problems can be meditated on for a day or so and then just do what is right for the whole. He wouldn't take a poll and decide according to how the politcal wind is blowing. It is not that complicated..................peace.....


Verified Member
Feb 2, 2011
Jimmy B said:
....Hard gambling wore me down quickly and I turned to pills and booze and stopped improving......

I wish to God Artie could run this country for the next 12 yrs.....He would need D Trump, Gates, Freddy, Bill I, myself as close advisors along with a few other minds I will not mention.....

I think the country has had enough "politicians" from Chicago for a while. :mad:
