One Pocket and Bank Pool HOFs


Verified Member
May 23, 2004
Columbia, SC
For next year, I'd like to nominate two really worthy candidates for the One Pocket HOF, Ritchie Florence and Jimmy Fusco. And Jimmy for the Bank Pool HOF as well.
These are two great champions who didn't have easy lives, but they played pool at the championship level for many a year. Later on, I'll furnish and talk about their extensive qualifications.
Happy New Year to all.

J.D. Dolan

Verified Member
Aug 18, 2004
Kalamazoo, Michigan
one other nomination

one other nomination

Good suggestions, Grady.

I'd also like to nominate Greg Sullivan of Diamond Billiard Products. He's the guy behind the Derby City Classic--a tournament that has become even better than the old Johnston City tournament, and has brought new life to bank pool and one pocket.

One Pocket Ghost

Verified Member
May 25, 2004
J.D. Dolan said:
Good suggestions, Grady.

I'd also like to nominate Greg Sullivan of Diamond Billiard Products. He's the guy behind the Derby City Classic--a tournament that has become even better than the old Johnston City tournament, and has brought new life to bank pool and one pocket.

J.D. , That's an excellent nomination - I strongly second it. Ghost

....And a Happy New Year to all...And don't forget be safe and careful this holiday weekend - if you have too much to drink, don't play one pocket - but if you must play, then have a designated shooter ^_^

fred bentivegna

Verified Member
Feb 2, 2005
chicago illinois
I "third" it, JD.

I "third" it, JD.

J.D. Dolan said:
Good suggestions, Grady.

I'd also like to nominate Greg Sullivan of Diamond Billiard Products. He's the guy behind the Derby City Classic--a tournament that has become even better than the old Johnston City tournament, and has brought new life to bank pool and one pocket.

Greg Sullivan is a certified pool kook, and loves the game so much that he is willing to try anything that might help or promote it. He once brought 8 bankers up to the Chicago Banks Tournament at the Billiard Cafe from Kentucky, and staked all 8 to play! That is probably some kind of a record. Plus, I am going to snitch that he did serve some of his time in the seedy, hustling side of our culture. It's an inviolable condition of mine before I will issue our Union Card. I personally love the man. Pray for his good health.

the Beard

PS The story with him, Steve Oaks, and the exploding bank money bag is a classic. I am a cinch to steal it and put it in one of my books.

fred bentivegna

Verified Member
Feb 2, 2005
chicago illinois
We need another kick start to this thread

We need another kick start to this thread

J.D. Dolan said:
I'd also like to nominate Greg Sullivan of Diamond Billiard Products. He's the guy behind the Derby City Classic--a tournament that has become even better than the old Johnston City tournament, and has brought new life to bank pool and one pocket.

I just want to bring up the name of Greg Sullivan to the Hall of Fame nominations once more.

the Beard

NH Steve

Apr 25, 2004
New Hampshire
It would be fitting if Greg Sullivan entered our Hall of Fame in the same year that the Jansco Brothers are inducted. What Greg has done with the DCC has to have been inspired partly by Johnston City, what with the all-around format and the encouragement of after-hours action, and the inclusion of action-oriented games. Back in 1962 it was revolutionary to include 9-Ball in the tournament! Of course now 9-ball is the standard tourney format, but it wasn't that way back then.

Like Freddie alluded to, Greg has been a supporter of pool for quite a while. I came across a comment in an older 'On The Snap' magazine that mentioned Greg as part of a group 'building the tables' for a pro tournament around 1990 -- which must have been pre-Diamond, because that name was not mentioned.

J.D. Dolan

Verified Member
Aug 18, 2004
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Greg Sullivan, Janscos, Eddie Robin

Greg Sullivan, Janscos, Eddie Robin

Yes, the Janscos should be in there too--and inducting them and Greg Sullivan at the same time is a great idea. Just imagine where one pocket would be today without that those three guys!

Another person we should consider is Eddie Robin.


New Member
Mar 15, 2006
Herrin, IL


I'm the grand-daughter of Joe "Paulie" Jansco. I'm trying to get any information that I can since my mother, Janis, past away in October. I don't want this history to go too. I would like to get, at least, copies of old articles and pictures. If you know how I can do this at all I would greatly appreciate any help you may be willing to give. I would pay and copy or shipping fees. Please!
Thank you,
Amy Leigh Burgess
Last edited:

fred bentivegna

Verified Member
Feb 2, 2005
chicago illinois
"Paulie" Jansco

"Paulie" Jansco

browneyedgirl81 said:
I'm the grand-daughter of Joe "Paulie" Jansco. I'm trying to get any information that I can since my mother, Janis, past away in October. I don't want this history to go too. I would like to get, at least, copies of old articles and pictures. If you know how I can do this at all I would greatly appreciate any help you may be willing to give. I would pay and copy or shipping fees. Please!
Thank you,
Amy Leigh Burgess

My experience with your granddad was a wonderful one. In the late 60s I was at Johnston City with my father, a 70 yr old man. I was just a kid in my 20s. Early one morning I was playing a session in the room across from the Show Lounge. (Time meant nothing down there) While I was playing, the clean-up guy was attempting to swamp out the place. He was in his early 60s, but he was already an old man. He was trying to mop the floor, but all he was doing was pushing the dirty water from one place to another. My father was in the bleachers watching this performance until he couldn't take it anymore. He was a very fidgity man anyway. He came down from the bleachers and took the mop from the "old man's" hand. "Gimme the mop Pops, and go sit down." he said. My old man was about 5 or 6 yrs older than the clean-up guy, but he was in great shape. He went and got a clean bucket of hot, soapy water and proceeded to do a journeymans' job on that floor. When he was finished, he gave the old guy the mop and went and sat back down. I was even a little embarassed by my old man's actions, but your Grandpa Paulie had somehow heard about what happened. He got hold of my father and thanked him personally. Then he invited him over to the house for some of your Grandmother's fried chicken. (I was not invited) From then on, my old man couldn't pay for anything for the rest of the tournament. Your Granny would bring him sandwiches. (none for me) But Paulie ended up taking pretty good care of me from then on. He staked me in every tournament there, and in Vegas, and gave me very preferential treatment even though I wasn't yet a top player. In my book your Grandpop was tops.
Freddy the Beard Bentivegna