Halloween funny...

Tramp Steamer

Verified Member
Dec 16, 2009
Many of you have known, or have heard of Little Johnny, through jokes such as "My Daddy In The Shower", or "Elk With a Ten Inch Penis", just to name a few.
What you may not have known, however, is that Little Johnny was the real life son of a sometimes up, sometimes down, One Pocket player by the name John Howard Bemstein.
Also known as The Lavender Kid, John Howard got the nickname from working odd jobs at "Two Tooth" Sally's hot pillow joint down in Galveston. Sally who was uncommonly fond of the colour lavender would, on occasion, ask John Howard to wash all the fun out of the sheets from the rooms upstairs. When coming back from the laundromat with an arm load of light purple bed linen onlookers would oftimes remark, "Hey, there goes the lavender kid."
Sally, as many of you may remember, suffered from CED (Chronic Explosive Diarrhea), and met a tragic end when her condition struck while giving a lap dance to an armed customer. But I digest.
John Howard told me this joke about his kid, back in 1976, while sitting in a poolroom in Moline, Illinois, so seein' how it's Halloween, I thought I'd pass it on to all of you.

"Little Johnny sat on the curb of the street, chin in hands, dejectedly staring at the small piles of litter that was scattered around his feet.
Dressed from head to toe in a Pirate costume that was complete with feathered hat and imitation leather boots, he had only moments before been thrown out of a neighborhood Haloween party for peeking up the tutu of one of the young Prima Ballerinas.
A policeman walks up to Johnny and asks. "Hey young fellow, where's your Buccaneers?"
To which Johnny replies. "Right under my Buckin' hat, flatfoot."

Happy Halloween, everyone.

Get well soon Grady.