(Ahem.) I think I may have invented a new pool game. Naturally, it is ever so coolio!


Verified Member
Jun 6, 2010
Dear Gentle Readers,

(Mea maxima culpa if this is an old, stale idea. One that has already been proposed and rejected.)

Here’s the deal … my new game is one-pocket with a 9-ball rack. First boyo to make five balls prevails.

The unanticipated wizardry? All balls have to be made in numerical order.

So ... it’s Rotation One-Pocket!

The concept came to me in a flash. The other day I was able to catch a few minutes of the stunningly-gorgeous one-pocket stream from Stix Billiards.

I like to keep my own scorecard when I’m watching one-pocket; in the game I saw, one of the contestants was cutting in the six ball. Which was, coincidently, the sixth ball of his total.

Ergo, the Newtonian apple plopped down onto my noggin! (I don’t mind if that particular legend is apocryphal -- even dim school kids (moi!) remember the concept. Not that I think for a nano that there’s an Isaac / Sunny correlation!)

Admittedly, there are a few details to be worked out in my Rotation One-Pocket concept. Merely:

> How dopey is the idea?

> Rules.

> Strategies.

> How does the game affect tournaments? Okay ... with neither rhyme nor reason on my side … I’ve moved an imaginary game up to the tournament level. So sue me! My question, though, is would Rotation One-Pocket speed up the game (fewer balls) or slow it down (only one score-contributing ball at a time)?

> Legal rights. Can I patent this? Or copyright it? Or flee from it without stupidity charges hounding me into perpetuity?

> Name. Of course ever so many of you ... well perhaps some of you ... or maybe a few of you will want to incorporate ‘Sunny’ into the appellation to honor the brilliance of the inventor. So ceded.

Modest innovation is my life,



Verified Member
Aug 22, 2004
not a bad idea, not sure it would catch on, but interesting for sure--im going to introduce it to a few people around here.......


Verified Member
May 24, 2004
baton rouge, la
I think this would be, basically, repetitive one-ball one pocket. All the action would always be about the lowest numbered ball on the table. Maybe one could do a bit of incidental gathering along the way.